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3D Mammograms Now Available at Warrensburg Health Center

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New technology increases accuracy of breast cancer detection


Queensbury, N.Y. – Hudson Headwaters’ Warrensburg Health Center now offers Genius™ 3D Mammography™. The technology has been clinically proven to increase the accuracy of breast cancer detection significantly in more than 200 studies. Genius three-dimensional (3D) exams allow doctors to evaluate tissue layer by layer, identifying smaller tumors that conventional mammography may miss, while decreasing the number of false positives generated by older technology.

A Geniusmammogram is also more comfortable for women and is the only mammogram that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved as superior for women with dense breasts. In women with dense—also called overlapping—breast tissue, conventional two-dimensional (2D) mammograms sometimes miss small cancers or may identify normal tissue as abnormal, leading to unnecessary worry and extended follow-up.

“This technology is quickly becoming the industry standard because of its accuracy and convenience,” said Hudson Headwaters Vice President of Nursing and Ancillary Services Deborah Bardin. “A 3D exam requires no additional compression and takes just a few seconds longer than a conventional 2D breast cancer screening exam.”

The Hudson Headwaters Health Foundation is currently raising funds to offset the cost of the Geniustechnology. Only the fifth of its kind in New York State north of the Capital Region, the system at Warrensburg Health Center was developed by Hologic, Inc., a worldwide leader in women’s health imaging solutions.

“Hudson Headwaters is committed to the health of women at every stage of life and in every corner of the North Country,” explained Hudson Headwaters Chief Executive Officer Tucker Slingerland, M.D. “The new 3D mammogram system is strategically placed at our Adirondack hub, so it is readily accessible to patients throughout our extended service area.”

Breast cancer typically produces no symptoms when a tumor is small and most easily treated, which is why screening is important for early detection. Most women begin routine screenings at age 40, unless their doctor recommends earlier mammograms due to a personal or family history of cancer or a family history of breast cancer before menopause.